Wednesday, March 9, 2011

nutrition analysis

  As the first graph shows, 65% of my meals are carbohydrates. Which means I consume a lot of carbs such as rice or bread in the weekend. I did not eat as much protein and fat as carbs. Even though I add up them, the percentages don't reach their of carbs. The reason why this happened is I ate rice, bread or pancake which containe carbohydrates a lot evrey meal and do contain less fat and protein. It is not balances at all. Although cabohydrates provide the body with heat and energy, too much is not good. I guess that I need to consume more fat and protein with food such as soy bean, fish and gelatin.

  The second graph is showing that I consume more than 100% of carbohydrates, vitamin C and manga which are more than I need. And not enough vitamin B-12, vitamin D and calcium. Actually, there are much more items that are lower in percentage than recomended. To get vitamin B-12, I need to eat cow's liver, pig's liver and short-neck clam. For vitamin D, eat fish is a dgood idea. Foods that contain calcium are daily product such as milk, cheese and yogurt, and small fish.

  As you see in the third graph, my body burned clories twice as much as I ate. In the other words, my body does not store any calories and continue to lost them. The best amount of calories that women need to get in a day is about 1200 to 1600. I consume a little bit less than it, but I do not need to worry about it, I think.

  The first graph shows I consumes more than 50% of carbohydrates and about one-quater of fat. I can say that I ate too much carbohydrates and so little protein according to it. Fish can give me enough protein which I should take.

  The second graph reveals that I consume too much manga, and a lot of carbs, selenium and thiamin. Also, less fiber, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium and manganese than 50%. It seems I did not eat enough vitamin. To consume vitamin, I need to eat meats and vegetales. I think I eat vegetables daily and consume enough, so what I need is meats such as beef, pork and chicken.

  According to the third graph, I ate enough calories and burned double what I consumedin that day. I think it looks good.

  When I compared the graphs of weekend and weekday, I realized that I consume more carbohydrate on the weekend and more fat on the weekday. Regardless of weekend or weekday, I ate food which contain a lot of manga. Also, I do not comsume enough vitamin C both on the weekend and weekday. Although on the weekend I consume much vitamin C, I do not on the weekday. This is because I ate a lot of vegetables. The percentage of calories that I ate are different between weekend and weekday. I ate more on the weekday. I think the reason why is I usually think about eating more. Which means I slack on the weekend and I sometime get up to late so I can not eat breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this assignment Mana. A fairly well written and a thoughtful analysis of your food consumption which demonstrates an excellent understanding of your dietary needs. I think your dietary needs are greater than what you are eating. Maybe you didn't write down all of your food that you ate?

    Graphs/Food Log - PH&A - 19/20

    Dietary Analysis - A&P - 19/20
